Learning Journey

Holistic education is an educational philosophy and approach that focuses on the development of the whole child, by developing our students in many domains, rather than solely concentrating on their academic achievements. We seek to create well-rounded students by integrating intellectual, emotional, social, and physical aspects of learning. Through our vision of Holistic Education, we emphasize interconnectedness, between the Curriculum, Culture and Identity, Holistic Fitness, Specialized Offerings, and School Community. While promoting our KBZA Values in everything we do. This approach aims to foster our Graduate Outcomes to develop our students as Global citizens, Lifelong learners, Multilingual speakers, Critical thinkers, and analysts who participate in problem-solving and are connected to the local community. Where KBZA students can leave feeling empowered, and masters of their future.

Culture & Identity

The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Awal’s school pedagogy weaves in Emirati ways of learning throughout the school day by moving away from standardized testing towards practical, project-based application and hands-on experiences for students.


Activities & Co-curricular Enrichment

The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Awal school’s community offers intergenerational expertise across our curriculum and specialized offerings, from parental engagement to local leaders, we will connect our students with real-life experiences that will inspire their paths beyond school.