KG School

The KG curriculum at KBZA focuses on developing social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills in young children; these skills are integrated into academic lessons to make the most of students’ time in school. The curriculum aims to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for young children to explore and learn through play, social interactions, and hands-on activities.  The pedagogy in kindergarten is based on a holistic approach that recognizes the importance of fostering children’s curiosity while they learn to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively; a safe and nurturing environment that encourages children to ask questions and wonder “why?” is paramount to this practice.

  • At KBZA, we are dedicated to cultivating a love for reading in our students through a dynamic and effective approach. Our reading program combines rigorous phonics instruction with a creative culture that inspires a lifelong passion for literature.

    1.  Phonics Instruction: We believe in laying a strong foundation for reading. Our phonics program is structured and thorough, ensuring that students master essential phonetic skills to decode and comprehend texts with confidence.
    2. Cultivating a Reading Culture: Beyond phonics, we foster a culture of reading that goes hand in hand with creative expression. Students are encouraged to explore diverse genres, sparking their imagination and curiosity.
    3. Individualised Support: Recognising that each child is unique, our approach includes individualized support to address varying reading abilities. We strive to meet students at their current level and guide them toward achieving their full potential.

    We are excited to be a part of your child’s reading journey and look forward to witnessing their literary adventures unfold.

At KBZA, we focus on students’ individual levels and what they need to learn to be successful.  Four times a week, we have streamed English which groups students by stage, not age (according to their reading ability).  This means that our classes are multi-grade level and are grouped by what reading stage the students are currently in.  This gives students very focused lessons to accelerate their progress and make the most of their time in lessons.  They also have English lessons with their grade level class throughout the week.  

Math has a similar program to build students’ mental math skills as this is a particular area of need for students.  Once a week there is a session that solely focuses on mental math and the skills that each group of students is working to achieve.  Arabic also has a weekly session to improve the level of students’ language; students are grouped by their level and concentrate on what skills they need to develop. 

  • We believe in the significance of play in the educational journey of our young children. Through play, children can delve into, experiment with, and comprehend the world surrounding them. In our kindergarten, we offer materials and activities meticulously crafted to bolster children’s play and foster learning across various developmental domains.