Culture & Identity

The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Awal’s school pedagogy weaves in Emirati ways of learning throughout the school day by moving away from standardized testing towards practical, project-based application and hands-on experiences for students.

The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Awal school’s community offers intergenerational expertise across our curriculum and specialized offerings, from parental engagement to local leaders, we will connect our students with real-life experiences that will inspire their paths beyond school. 

Activities & Co-curricular Enrichment

KBZA prioritizes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities (CCAs and ECAs) as integral to a well-rounded education beyond the classroom. These activities enhance academic learning and overall development by aligning with the five skills in the graduate profile. We collaborate with the community for hands-on and experiential learning through partnerships with local businesses, NGOs, and government entities. This includes engaging in field trips, volunteering, and more. ECAs at KBZA also focus on nurturing the Emirati identity, blending traditional and modern cultural aspects. Each term, students could choose a ‘homegrown’ ECA that emphasizes Emirati values and cultural understanding. Both homegrown and conventional ECAs offer students the freedom to explore their interests, shaping their unique paths and preparing them for future academic and professional pursuits.

Throughout the academic year, KBZA will keep students and parents informed about termly ECAs and CCAs, enriching the educational experience.

Field Trips

Our school places a strong emphasis on contextual learning, recognizing the educational value inherent in well-planned travel experiences. We actively encourage both staff and students to participate in enriching educational excursions and field trips. Prior to such outings, parents will receive vital details upon administrative approval, including the purpose of the trip, mode of transportation, itinerary, names of supervisors, and departure and return times. This information is shared with parents before they provide their consent for their child’s participation.

If you have any questions or inquiries about our programs or activities, you can contact us at:

[email protected]